Work From Home & In-Office Desk Jockeys Struggles
Attention all my WFH & In-Office Desk Jockeys! One of the biggest struggles I see is with the day passing you by.
It’s easy to get sucked into work and before you know it, it’s 3pm, you haven’t had a sip of water or stood up from your desk.
Maybe you’re in the habit of buying meals daily because you keep forgetting to meal prep or skipping your workout because the day is just too busy.
My biggest tips for you are to PLAN & set REMINDERS!
SCHEDULE in your workouts & meals. And Gosh darn it, STICK TO THEM
You wouldn’t reschedule a client or meeting because “you just don’t feel like it”. Same with your workout.
Getting sucked into a work vortex? Set ALARMS to remind you to eat, move, drink water etc.
It’s not going to just fall into the day, and time won’t magically appear ( so cut that “when I have time” mentality) you need to MAKE the time.
Let me know your Desk Jockey struggles.